How do Payouts Work?
Thanks for selling your items with Unearth!
As we operate on a 50/50 split, we’ll do our best to get the highest price for your items so that we both benefit.
How is my payout calculated?
Collecting your items does come with a cost charged to us by the collection teams - imagine how much Lalamove would charge you for a 3-tonne lorry - BUT we take care of all of that upfront.
Once your items are sold, then we'll split those costs with you 50/50, just like we split the sales.
In the event that your items don't sell, or if we made a bad call and your items sold for lower than expected, we absorb the remainder of the fee - and lose money :(
Which means that your payout calculation is:
(50% of Profits) - (50% of Collection Fees)
The majority of collections end up to be around RM260 cost to Unearth, and RM260 to the supplier (yourself). Unlike us, you don't have to pay those costs upfront.
What goes into the collection fees?
The collection team charges us (Unearth) a flat RM400 per collection, plus additional charges if there's any delays.
For example:
IF they need to disassemble a large 6 foot wardrobe into its individual components - RM120 onwards
IF there's delays in accessing your unit or items - RM120 onwards.
IF they need to call in a backup team or make another trip - RM200
*Details of the charges:-
Furniture Dismantling : RM 120 Per Unit
Difficult Access Charges :
RM 120 - Units requiring 10 mins or less to enter the unit, or 1 Blocker to Item Access;
RM 240 - Units requiring >10 mins to access the unit, or 2 Blockers to Item Access
RM 360 - Units requiring >10 mins to access the unit AND 2 or more Blockers to Item Access
Among scenarios considered Blockers: narrow access, construction, 1 flight of stairs, no lift access, etc etc.
Example of Scenario A:
John requested a collection with Unearth. The items includes a wardrobe, dining table, a TV and a sofa set. He stays on the 22nd floor of a condominium and accessing his unit takes 15 minutes from the service bay.
Only the wardrobe requires dismantling.
The total sale of 3 items are RM 1,500.
(50% x RM 1,500) - (50% x RM 760) = RM 370 paid out to John
Listing Windows
Accepted items are listed for 3 months. You will get paid for each item when and if it sells.
If Your Item Gets Sold Within 3 months
Typically, our suppliers reach out to us within a month after their collection, and upon contacting us, we share a Statement of Account to provide them with an accurate overview of their account activity.
If your supplier account reflects a positive balance, you can request a payout, and we will ensure that the sum is paid out within 7 working days. We understand the significance of these payouts to our suppliers and are committed to handling these requests with utmost priority and care.
If Your Item Is Unsold Within 3 Months
No worries! Your items will still be put to good use. It will be either recycled, donated to those in need, and as a last resort, disposed in an environmentally manner. It is our mission to keep as much goods out of landfills as possible.
What happens if one of my items does not sell during the listing window?
For items above RM500. You may reclaim the item during the final 7 days of the listing window. If you do not reclaim an accepted item, the item becomes property of Unearth Sdn Bhd. Unclaimed Items below the RM500 value will be deemed property of Unearth Sdn. Bhd.
When do I get my payout?
When one of your items is purchased, you’ll be able to request your payout and be able to cash out as soon as the 14-day return window has passed. If the item is returned, your consignment window will be reset so that your item has more time to sell, and you will be paid out as soon as the item sells for the second time.